Monday 9 March 2015

Sharirkriya Reasearch 33 Abstracts upload till 10-1-15

Sharirkriya  Reasearch 33 Abstracts upload  till 10-1-15

Data Base of Ayurvedic Post Graduate Research in the subject  Sharirkriya ( Ayurvedic Physiology)

1)  Quantitative estimation of ‘Bala’ with respect to Prakruti.Read more --
2)  Study of Rakta dhatu with special reference to Raktasarata .Read more --
3)  Observation of effect of excess talking in various occupations on body physiology .Read more ----
4)  Correlation of perception of pain with Prakruti.Read more  --
5)    Title : Dosha Prakrutti & Doshaprakopak Dravya relation.Read more --
6)   Title: Measurement of range of Ushna guna (Ushna mukha) in pitta Prakruti people of age group 20 to30 .Read more  --
7)   Title: Ojasya Sharirkriya( Ayurvedic Physiological aspect of OJA).Read more --
8)   Purishvaha Strotasgata Sharir- Kriya: Ek Abhyas = Study of Purishvaha srotas (stool formation & excretion tract ).Read more -
9)   A study of Rakta dhatu & Raktavaha Strotas in correlation with reticulo endothelial system.Read more --
10)              Quantitative estimation of the efficiency of ‘chashurendriya’ (Human Eye) with help of reaction time analyzer in ayurvedic students of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s college of Ayurved and its correlation to prakruti.Read more
11)                     Diseases of joints and their correlation with prakruti.Read more --
12)                     Koshta Pariksha va  Doshaprakruti sambadha ek abhyas. (Relation of Koshtha & Biotype).Read more --
13)                     Study of Blood Groups according to Prakruti. Read more -
14)                     Measurement of range of Ushna guna (Ushna mukha) in pitta prakruti people of age group 40 to 50. Read more --
15)                     Pitta dosha prakar bhedane vishesh abhyas.(Study of Type of Piita Dosha) .Read more --
16)                     Emphatic Study of Meda Dhatu.
17)                     Stri shariramadhye vayonupatini prakruticha Abhyas (Study of Age related Biotype in female). Read more --
18)                     Sharir Paramanu and Tridosh sambhandha (Relation of Body molecules & Tridosha or Bioenergy ).Read more --
19)                     Study of Mansa Prakruti.
20)                     A study of memory with reference of dosha prakruti. Read more --
21)                     To investigate bio-chemically differential components of kapha doshotkata, pitta doshotkata & vata doshotkata stanya ( Breast milk).Read more --
22)                     To study the activity of vata dosha under physiological and pathological states by employing various mechanical and chemical stimuli.Read more --
23)                     Data collection of experimental results to assess bala (power) in context to kala (Rutu/ season) .Read more --
24)                     Enumeration of effects due to strenuous physical working pattern (Excessive exercise) in adults. Read more
25)                     Consideration of aging in relation with prakruti.
26)                     Assessment of aharashakti of an individual in varsha rutu (Rainy season) and in hemant rutu (winter).Read more --
27)                     Stri sharir pitta dosha guna pitta prakruti sambhandha (Relation of properties of pitta dosha and pitta constitution in females)
28)                     Annavaha shrotasatil kriyanche nischitikaran (Standardization of physiological action of GI tract) .Read more --
29)                     Aharashakti – pariksha ( Digestion Capacity)  in dwi-doshaja prakruti, Vata-pitta and vata-kapha.Read more --
30)                     Effect of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz) in hypercholesterolemia.Read more --
31)                     To assess the efficacy of herbal intervention to improve breast milk physiologically by using biochemical parameters. Read more --
32)                     To Supplement numerical data for ushna asahatva in pitta prakruti by assessment of sheeta- virodisparsha with experimental work.(Pitta Biotype has Intolerance to heat ) .Read more --
33)                     Comparative study of granthokta swa-anjali mutra pramana and utsrushta swa-anjali mutra pramana( Urine out put mentioned in Ayurvedic Texts & actual measurement of Urine out put) .Read more --

Saturday 10 January 2015

Comparative study of granthokta swa-anjali mutra pramana and utsrushta swa-anjali mutra pramana( Urine out put mentioned in Ayurvedic Texts & actual measurement of Urine out put)

 Title:-Comparative study of granthokta swa-anjali mutra pramana and utsrushta swa-anjali mutra pramana( Urine out put mentioned in Ayurvedic Texts & actual measurement of Urine out put)

          Dr. M. N. Patil had submitted her dissertation to Pune University for the P.G. degree M.D. (Sharir Kriya). Her guide was Dr. Nandini Dhargalkar & Research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.), India.

          Dr. Mrs. Patil had tried to compaired the quantity of urine mentioned in ayurvedic compendia with actual urine output quantity in 24 hrs.

100 students were enrolled. Measurement of handful quantity in terms of ml.

24hrs urine sample was collected and measured in all three major season

          The research work is concluded as follows-

i)                   Handful quantity i.e. anjali was unit widely used to measure the different liquid component of body. But method of counting anjali is not mentioned any where.

ii)                Handful quantity i.e. swa-anjali pramana of urine given is ayurvedic text may be quantity of first morning sample of urine. 

To Supplement numerical data for ushna asahatva in pitta prakruti by assessment of sheeta- virodisparsha with experimental work.(Pitta Biotype has Intolerance to heat )

Title: To Supplement numerical data for ushna asahatva in pitta prakruti by assessment of sheeta- virodisparsha with experimental work.(Pitta Biotype has Intolerance to heat )

          Dr. Sheetal Uttam Roman had submitted her dissertation to Pune University for the P.G. degree M.D. (Sharir Kriya). Her guide was Dr. Nandini Dhargalkar & Research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.), India.

          Dr. Roman had tried assessing pitta prakruti people for specific feature of intolerance to heat (Ushna asahatva).

 She had selected 100 volunteers from the age group 18 to 21. Volunteers were divided into two groups. All the volunteers were asking to feel up questionnaire prepare for making diagnosis of presence or absence of intolerance to heat.

          Specific experiment was design to see the intolerance for heat.

 A vessel with hot water was used. The volunteers were asking to touch the vessel after gradual increasing the temperature of water. Reflexly removal of the hand from the vessel was noted. Experiment was done twice a week for 6 months.

          The research is concluded as follows –

i)                   Intolerance to heat was seen in all the individuals of pitta dominant constitution. So this character may be taken as cardinal sigh of hot attribute (ushna guna)

ii)                In Kapha pitta or vata- pitta constitution intolerance to heat was not prominent. 

To assess the efficacy of herbal intervention to improve breast milk physiologically by using biochemical parameters.

Title:-To assess the efficacy of herbal intervention to improve breast milk physiologically by using biochemical parameters.

          Dr. A. P. Bale had submitted his dissertation to Pune University for the degree Ph.D. (Sharir Kriya). His guide was Prof. Dr. Nandini Dhargalkar & Research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.), India.

          Dr. Bale had tried to develop objective biochemical parameters to access the efficacy of herbs which are galactogogue.

 Dr Bale had enrolled 180 patients for this study they were divided into group A i.e. control group. & group B that is Trial group.

Post labour milk collection was done from day 3 to day 10.

The female volunteers were given sugarcane and its effect was seen on quantity and quality of breast milk.

          Research is concluded as follows –

i)                   Oral administration of sugarcane to lactating mother is found very effective for improvement of breast milk qualitatively and quantitatively.

ii)                After sugarcane administration the protein and cholesterol content showed significant rise.

iii)              Comparison between contents of sugarcane juice and breast milk was also done . 

Effect of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz) in hypercholesterolemia.

 Title:-Effect of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz) in hypercholesterolemia.

          Dr. N. K. Arora had submitted his dissertation to Pune University in the year 2001 for the degree Ph.D. (Sharir Kriya) . His guide was Prof. Dr. J. K. Barde & Research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune
(M.S.), India.

          Dr. Arora had taken clinical trials of use of Haritaki plant in patients of excess cholesterol level. Two groups were form one group with 78 patients which is treated with Haritaki & another group of 75 patients in which placebo medicine was used.

This was single blind trial.

Treatment group was given powder of Haritaki in the dose of 9 gm/day. In three divided doses after meal.

In placebo group starch capsules were given in the dose of 2 cap. (500 gm each tds) after meals. Vehicle was lukewarm water. Period of study was 6 wks. Lab investigations like serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, blood sugar were done.

          After analysis above research work is concluded as follows-

i)                   Powder of Haritaki i.e. Terminalia chebula 3 Gms ,TDS with Luke warm water ,for one & half month ,brings about a substantial reduction in the increase serum cholesterol level.

ii)                The drug should also weight reducing property.

iii)              LD50 of the drug is very high & so it is safe for prolonged use.

Friday 9 January 2015

Comparative study of process in different prakruties between the age group of fifty five to sixty years by assessing the individuals in Maharashatra state with sushrutokta vrudhatva lakshanani.( Biotype & Ageing comparative study)

 Title:- Comparative study of process in different prakruties between the age group of fifty five to sixty years by assessing the individuals in Maharashatra state with sushrutokta vrudhatva lakshanani.( Biotype & Ageing comparative study)

          Dr. S. D. Naidu had submitted his dissertation to Pune University in the year 1997 for the P.G. degree M.D. (Sharir Kriya). His guide was Prof. Dr. Nandini Dhargalkar & Research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.), India.

          Dr. Naidu in this research work had tried to see the effects of aging on different biotypes. This is a survey type project. Biodata proforma was filled up occurrence of different aging process features (like baldness, gray hair, wrinkles, breathlessness, cough etc) noted.

          After analytical study like the research work is concluded as follows-

i)                   Occurrence of good health was observed in pitta dominant biotype followed by kapha constitution.

ii)                Baldness, graying of hair & wrinkles were more in pitta dominant constitution followed by vata & kapha constitution.

iii)              Incidence of breathlessness & cough is maximum in vata dominant constitution.

iv)              Poor strength & deficiency features were more found in vata dominant constitution.

v)                Vision impairment was maximum in pitta dominant constitution

vi)              Impairment of hearing was common in vata dominant constitution

vii)           Mental fatigue was more in vata constitution & physical energy was less in pitta prakruti.

Aharashakti – pariksha ( Digestion Capacity) in dwi-doshaja prakruti, Vata-pitta and vata-kapha.

 Title :- Aharashakti – pariksha ( Digestion Capacity)  in dwi-doshaja prakruti, Vata-pitta and vata-kapha.

          Dr. P. V. Ajanalkar had submitted his dissertation to Pune University for the P.G. degree M.D. (Sharir Kriya). His guide was Prof. Dr. Nandini Dhargalkar & Research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune
 (M.S.), India.

          Dr. Ajanalkar has studied the digestion capacity of vata-pitta and vata-kapha constitution people. He has taken 30 people of vata-pitta constitution & 30 people of vata-kapha constitution. Total intake of food was recorded for each group. Also symptoms of digestion were recorded in each group.

          Above research has been concluded as follows-

i)                   There is difference in eating capacity and digestion in vata-pitta constitution and vata-kapha constitution people.

ii)                Vata-pitta constitution group shows more intake of water & vata-kapha constitution group shows more intake of solid food intake in day.