Friday 17 October 2014

Observation of effect of excess talking in various occupations on body physiology.

Title: Observation of effect of excess talking in various occupations on body physiology.

Dr. Amol Shinde submitted his dissertation to Pune University in
2010. For the P.G. degree (M.D. Sharir Kriya). His guide was Dr. N.D.
Dhargalkar and research centre was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya. India

Dr. Shinde in his research tried to find threshold of talk time in 250
people, in occupation demanding extended hours of excessive talk. The
volunteers were divided in loud speaking occupation. These volunteers are
kept under observation of 6 months they were observed for the development
of following symptoms like – Tiredness (Shram), Fatigue (Klama) and
excessive thirst (Trushna).

It was expected that the threshold measure would be different in self
speaking occupation however it is seen that the duration of talk time & total
number of recoverable symptoms mentioned above do not have significant
correlation. The symptoms arrested are mentioned in charak text in section
of siddhi sthana in chapter no. 12

It is very well seen in the research that only duration of talking is not
important but long duration of talking & loud talking are equally
responsible for precipitation of symptoms. Tiredness & Fatigue symptoms
are recoverable by little rest but the excessive thirst symptom should be
arrested at a proper time to avoid further pathological consequences.
Excessive talking is a strong etiological factor for dryness of mouth &

Even if the speech is a principle function of respiratory system, the
volunteers shown a very low percentage of the diseases of bronchial Asthma
(Shwasa). The diseases mentioned in Cha. Siddha sthana 12 like Hoarseness
of voice (Svarbheda), cervical spondylosis (Manyasthambha), chest Pain
(Ura-parshva shula), Fever (Jwara) has other strong reseasons as causative
factors besides excess talking.

From this research one must understand the importance of talking
in low peach & of hydration for the people who are having professions
which require talking for a longer duration (e.g. teachers, singers, etc)

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