Tuesday 30 December 2014

Correlation of perception of pain with Prakruti

Title: Correlation of perception of pain with Prakruti

      Dr. P. A. Babel submitted his dissertation to Pune University in 1998 for the P.G. degree M.D. (Sharir Kriya). His guide was Dr. J.K. Bazde Research centre was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya.

      Dr. Babel in  his research selected 50 students as volunteers from 18-22 years old first the Prakruti of each candidate has decide After deciding prakruti two methods were used for perception of pain  I ) Metal Patch , Facing  the skin over 4 finger breadth from cubital fossa was rapped with B.P. apparatus belt . Then pain threshold was determined by increasing pressure in mercurial column.
    II) Water bath was filled with water. The temp. of water was gradually raised. The Volunteers were asked to dip a finger for ½ min. in the water bath. The temperature was raised as 40 o C, 50 o C, 60 o C , 65o C , 70 o C, 75 o C .
The minimum temperature that can be tolerated was noted, also maximum temp. of tolerance was noted.

       The Perception of pain was depending on many factors. Pain is caused by physical & chemical stimuli. Irritation of stimulation may cause inflammation, which can provoke pitta. From time back vata dosha is mention as factor responsible for pain. (Many scholar equated vata dosha with nervous system.)

                   In this research it is very well observed that perception of pain & threshold of pain is less in vata & pitta dominant Prakruti. Kapha constitution has a higher threshold for pain perception.

              From this research one can easily understand that vata or pitta dominant constitution should take care of any traumatic & accidental injury because they may not be able to tolerate the pain like symptoms occurring due to trauma or stress. They can try to improve the tolerance by adopting external therapies like full body massage & by taking Rasayana (Tonics) for muscles & bones.

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